Signing of a memorandum of cooperation between the Ukrainian Deminers Association and Kyiv Polytechnic Institute named after Igor Sikorsky became an important event that opens new horizons for cooperation in the field of mine action, education and scientific research.
This strategic partnership is aimed at using the scientific potential of KPI named after Igor Sikorskyi and the practical experience of UDA to create innovative solutions in the field of demining and training new specialists.

Підписання меморандуму між АСУ і КПІ
The main opportunities for cooperation:
- Joint research initiatives;
- Educational programs and trainings;
- Practical training of students;
- Development of new technologies;
- Contribution to the recovery of Ukraine.
This memorandum will not only contribute to the development of mine action in Ukraine, but will also become the basis for long-term cooperation between the academic community and the practical consolidation of knowledge.

By joining forces, we are working on solving the current security problems of our country!
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