Request Explosive Ordnance Risk Education (EORE) and Conflict Preparedness and Protection (CPP) sessions

At the request of many organizations, institutions and enterprises, the NGO Ukrainian Deminers Association (UDA) opens the registration of requests for holding EORE / CPP sessions.
Sessions are held for different population groups – for adults and for children (age 6 and up).
We emphasize that holding sessions in any format and for all population groups is FREE!

Request mine action safety session

You can submit a request for such a session by filling out the form on this page. Before filling it out, please read the information below, the terms and conditions of the sessions.

Conditions for submitting an application and conducting sessions:

  • the person submitting the application must be of legal age;
  • availability of a group of people to hold a session of an average of 20 people, but not less than 15 and not more than 35 people per session;
  • availability of a room that can accommodate up to 35 people;
  • the ability to connect a laptop and a projector, as well as the presence of a screen (single-color wall) for the projector would be a significant advantage.

About sessions

Conducting Explosive Ordnance Risk Education (EORE) and conflict preparedness and protection (CPP) sessions is a certified Mine Action activity.
NGO Ukrainian Deminers Association has the appropriate certificate and it is a certified operator of Mine Action.
EORE / CPP sessions are conducted by certified trainers of the UDA.
Also we want to remind, that you can take online training courses on the UDA training platform.

EORE/CPP session for children


The purpose of the sessions is to raise the level of awareness among Ukrainian residents regarding the risks from mines and explosive ordnance, actions before, during and after sudden shelling, other types of dangers, as well as the formation of safe behavior skills.
The duration of one session is up to 1 hour.

Request EORE/CPP session

    Apply for a session

    Full name of the contact persone


    Phone number





    The entity requesting the session

    The total number of people with whom the session is planned

    Choose who you want the session for

    Availability of a room for the session

    Availability of projector

    Preferred dates of the session

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