About us

12 November 2018 initiative group of deminers created nongovernmental organization Ukrainian Deminers Association (UDA). Nowadays, the UDA possesses has all documents according to Ukrainian legislative.

The UDA is a non-profit voluntary organization of individuals established for the purpose of the implementation and protection of human and civil rights and freedoms, satisfaction of the social, in particular, economic, social, cultural, education, environment and other interests of its members and/or other people. 
TIN: 42631173

The UDA purpose is to unite existing and former deminers and other specialists of mine action, as well as veterans, in order to protect their legitimate, social, economic, legal and other common interests and rights in state, public bodies, enterprises, institutions and organizations of all forms of ownership.

Our three strategic goals:

  • To unite and increase the potential of the best Ukrainian experts in Mine Action. 
  • To create Uniform National Standards for Mine Action in Ukraine and ensure control over compliance with them. 
  • Consolidate the efforts of civil society, the state, the media and international partners to create decent working conditions, technical support and protection of Ukrainian deminers.

Our main directions of activities:

  • Public control over the mine action in Ukraine;
  • Participation in the lawmaking processes of mine action;
  • Legal protection of deminers;
  • Sharing of information related to mine action;
  • Rehabilitation of injured deminers;
  • Assistance in the insurance of active deminers;
  • Organization (assistance) of training (pre-training) of deminers.


It is a non-governmental organization, association of sappers of Ukraine, representation of the public sector in the sphere of Mine Action (MA).
It is about 400 sappers from all over Ukraine, combat sappers on the front line, pyrotechnics of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, sappers-deminers for humanitarian demining.
It is participation in all legislative MA processes of Ukraine. Development of the MA Strategy, national standards, ongoing assistance to the National Mine Action Authority of Ukraine, the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Education and Science and other ministries and agencies, the main MA stakeholders.

Ukrainian Deminers Association (UDA) is a national organization that was proudly created in Ukraine and for Ukraine.

Yes, it is the first non-profit Ukrainian organization that has recived certificats for the main processes of demining and Explosive ordnance risk education (EORE).
Including manual demining, clearance of combat areas, technical and non-technical survey of territories.

Yes, since the UDA creation it has been additional national platform for negotiations regarding assistance to Ukraine in the field of Mine Action.

Yes, the Association constantly implements more than 10 humanitarian projects, which concern:
– Mine victim assistance (MVA);
– Explosive ordnance risk education (EORE). UDA is one of the first organizations in Ukraine to receive certification for this type of activity;
– training in preparedness and protection in case of conflict (PPC);
– humanitarian demining.

Yes, on April 5, 2024, UDA became the first organization to co-chair the UN Mine Action Area of ​​Responsibility (Mine Action AOR).
The Project Manager of the Association, Iryna Gutsalo, is responsible for co-chairing.

Currently, the exact area of ​​mined territories is unknown. There is ongoing process of non-technical survey of the territory (NTS), after its completion it will be possible to say the approximate area.
While this process continues, we call these areas potentially dangerous. According to the data of the national mine action agency, the total area of ​​potentially dangerous areas is 138,503 square km.

Demining is divided into 3 types:

  • combat demining – is carried out directly by the military in the combat zone;
  • operational – pyrotechnics of the State Emergency Service and the military are responsible for it;
  • humanitarian – its main difference from other types of demining is that it is not carried out for the sake of demining, but for the purpose of releasing the land to the end user with appropriate guarantees of quality and safety. Ukrainian Deminers Association caries out this type of demining.

According to Article 1 of the Law of Ukraine “On mine action in Ukraine”, humanitarian demining can be carried out by: “…mine action operators – authorized subdivisions of central executive bodies, enterprises, institutions and organizations regardless of the form of ownership, including international and foreign, that are involved in conducting activities in the field of mine action”.
In accordance with Article 9 of the same law: “The procedure for accounting of business entities and non-profit enterprises, institutions and organizations that have the right to conduct types of economic activity in the field of mine action and have received a certificate of compliance in accordance with the procedure established by law, its management and access to information accounting of mine action operators is determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine”.

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