During June of this year, our organization actively implemented the project “Еmеrgепсу mine action response” in partnership with the international organization Save the Children in Ukraine. In this article, we present the interim results of the work done.
Within the framework of the project, the UDA certified instructors conducted a number of live training sessions on explosive ordnance risk education for population (EORE). Sessions were held in the territories of Mykolaiv and Kherson regions controlled by the Ukrainian government.
The main target audience was not only adults (teachers and parents), but also school-age children. During the month 99 sessions were held total, at which the number of beneficiaries reached 1,675 people, including 1,393 children.
During the training sessions, UDA instructors form a safe mindset of children, changing their behavior to a safe one in the event of a possible encounter with unattended and suspicious objects that could be explosive.

It is important that the NGO UDA instructors conduct training sessions only in buildings that are equipped with bomb shelters or safe shelters. So when air alert is announced they immediately stop the training process and act according to the protocol of the institution where the training sessions are held, continuing training in the shelter.

On June 8-9, 2023, a two-day training for instructors “Child Protection in Emergency. Safeguarding”, including Psychosocial Support and Psychological First Aid was also held in Kyiv. The training was conducted by representatives of the international organization Save the Children in Ukraine. The main goal of the training was to inform (with appropriate visual materials (posters, leaflets, clipboards)) the acting instructors about the protection of children in emergency situations. As a result, 9 UDA instructors received new knowledge and relevant certificates.
During the implementation period of the project, UDA certified instructors conducted adapted EORE sessions for children with various disabilities, including children with autism and special education needs who are in the territory of the Mykolaiv region.
In addition, during this period the development of Save Behavior Game has been begun. We will publish the results of this game after its implementation.
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