результати проєкту АСУ IRC

Interim results of the UDA, IRC & UNICEF project

By tradition, we publish the results of our work on the project «Child-focused victim assistance to children and their caregivers affected by mines the war, in Mykolaiv, Odessa, Kharkiv, and Kherson Oblasts and explosive remnants of war (ERW) and other at-risk children affected by the war, in Mykolaiv, Odessa, Kharkiv, and Kherson Oblasts», implemented with the support of the non-profit organization International Rescue Committee, Inc. (IRC), funded by donor United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).

The project started at the beginning of January and will continue until the end of September this year. During the first four months of implementation of the mentioned project, we achieved certain results, in particular:

  1. First type of activity, Case Management: work on this began in January 2024, as of the end of April we reached the mark of 43 beneficiaries.
  2. Second type of activity, Explosive Ordnance Risk Education (EORE): holding EORE sessions started in February, after completion of ToT training, selection of instructors and formation of EORE groups. The sessions were held for all categories of children and adults, 4379 beneficiaries were covered by the sessions during the reported period.
  3. Third type of activity, EORE sessions for teachers: sessions were also started in February, reaching a total of 254 teachers during the reporting period.
інструктор АСУ в школі проводить EORE сесію з вчителями
EORE session with teachers
results: інструкторка АСУ в школі проводить EORE сесію з дітьми молодших класів
EORE session with children

8-9th of February 2-days ToT for EORE instructors was held in Kyiv. During the 2 days of the training the participants gained the practical tips and knowledge regarding the explosive ordnance risk education, the principles of humanitarian mine action, introduction to the group psychology, safeguarding and first aid etc. As a result of the training, 6 instructors received diplomas.

UDA successfully completed recruiting and selection campaign followed by the establishment of 3 EORE teams.

Тренер АСУ проводить тренінг з групою інструкторів, які сидять за овальним столом
групове фото: 9 інструкторів АСУ в офісі на фоні презентації тренінгу
інструктори сидять на підлозі колом спинами до центру і відпрацьовують навички першої медичної допомоги
інструктор з медицини інструктує тренерів
results: інструкторка АСУ відпрацьовує на симуляторі навички першої медичної допомоги

A total of 171 educational sessions for children and adults were held by the UDA instructors as part of three EORE groups in the communities of Mykolaiv, Odesa, Kharkiv, Kherson regions. It should be noted that our instructors conduct training sessions exclusively in buildings that are equipped with bomb shelters or safe shelters, and when an air alert is announced, they immediately stop the training process and act according to the protocol of the institution where the training sessions are held, continuing training in the shelter.

project results: сесія з дітьми у сховищі
project results: сесія з дітьми у сховищі

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