Our activities
Main activities of the Ukrainian Deminers Association (UDA)

In accordance with the statutory documents of the UDA, the main directions of the organization’s activity are:
- Promoting the improvement of the Laws of Ukraine aimed at protecting the interests of deminers and their families, and improving their socio-economic status by amending and proposing existing legislation through representatives of legislative bodies.
- Representation and protection of the interests of the members of the Organization in state and non-state institutions of different levels.
- Participation in public control over the multinational mine action in Ukraine.
- Support the development of national anti-mine activities in accordance with international mine action activities and participate in the development of relevant documents and training programs for the training of specialists.
- Development and implementation of training programs for the training of explosive ordnance risk education (EORE) trainers and other mine action specialists, their certification and monitoring of activities.
- Development and implementation of curricula on information on mine hazard among children and adults.
- Participation in the development of a database of victims of mines and explosive remnants of war and providing them with assistance and rehabilitation.
- Work on the development of both local and regional, national programs and actions aimed at increasing the socio-psychological, material and legal protection of deminers, promoting the comprehensive intellectual, cultural and professional development of the members of the Organization and their families, and implementing them in partnership with local and regional authorities.
- Satisfaction of social, cultural, household and other needs of deminers and their family members and individual members of the Organization by facilitating the provision of appropriate services and assistance from state authorities, bodies of self-organization of the population, Ukrainian and foreign state and non-governmental organizations, legal and physical persons, commercial structures and enterprises of different forms of ownership.
- Conduct mass events aimed at popularizing the profession of «deminer». Formation in the minds of people of understanding the importance of this profession in the life of society, raising the level of spiritual, moral values and authority of the profession of deminer.
- Facilitating the development of international cooperation, aimed at solving the problems of professional activity of Ukrainian deminers, raising the standards of mine action, professional development of Ukrainian deminers, and the exchange of experience.
- Acceptance of participation in joint events, exchange of experience of the work of the deminers of other states.
- Legal and social protection of deminers and their families, legal support, assistance in insurance of deminers.
- Assistance in the job placement of deminer and control over the provision of appropriate working conditions and compulsory insurance.
- Assistance in providing individuals and organizations involved in mine action with special equipment, personal protective equipment, special transport, dogs and other means that contribute to the safety and quality of work during humanitarian demining.
- Assistance and participation in the organization of training, retraining of deminers and mine action specialists.
- Assistance in provision of high-quality medical care, rehabilitation of the victims; as a consequence, of professional activity, including social-psychological, both in Ukraine and abroad. Organization of rest and recreation of members of the organization and their families, including abroad.
- Assistance to persons performing demining and inspectors in the event of occupational injuries; as a consequence, of their duties to receive adequate medical care, pension and invalidity pensions, if necessary.
- Organization, carrying out independently or jointly with state bodies, public organizations, political parties, international state and non-governmental organizations, scientific-practical conferences, meetings, seminars, symposiums, round tables, trainings for members of the Organization and other citizens in Ukraine and for the border.
- Facilitate the development of small and medium-sized businesses among deminers and members of the Organization.
- Support the creation of interest clubs among children and adults.
- Collection and provision of information on multinational activities in Ukraine and abroad, cases of injury and deaths from mines and explosive objects. Creation of appropriate databases and maps of territories contaminated with mines.
- Conducting non-technical survey and mapping of landfills.
- Assistance in the creation and maintenance of a common database for the record keeping of deminers, both existing and former.
- Assistance in the implementation by Ukraine of international conventions on the prohibition of mitigating the risk of mines and explosive remnants of war.